The worm, called by the Brazilian word “both,” which means leaf and “ma,” which means an animal, and not former US President Barack Obama, threatens to destroy rain clay and thereby damage the health and fertility of the soil. This will stimulate the domino effect for the entire food chain in Spain.
7 centimeters in length, with hundreds of eyes along the body, a worm that was accidentally brought to Spain from South America, and now in this European country the quality of the soil is compromised. The most severe consequences are observed in the wild.
The Obama worm was found in rice fields in the Albufera Natural Park in Valencia. SEO / Birdlife Conservation has warned authorities about its appearance this week.
Worm "both" "ma"
This predator feeds on land snails, and in Spain it has no known natural enemies. It tastes so bad that the birds refuse to eat it after being bitten. Researchers believe that he came to Spain in pots with exotic plants brought from Brazil.
Soil stability is threatened with extinction, which increases the risk of flooding and landslides, and also reduces yield.
The Obama worm is one of at least six invasive species of Hispanic origin found in Spain, and it should be noted that other European countries have survived similar invasions in recent years.