In the city of Kamenetz-Podolsky, Khmelnitsky region, it is planned to erect three biogas plants operating on chicken manure, silt, bard (waste from the production of alcohol) and waste from growing plants. The project will be implemented with grant funds from the Finnish Trust Fund.
Biogas plants are planned to be located on the territory of the Dolzhotsky distillery and the Avis agricultural company. The creation of biogas stations operating on the bard produced by the Dolzhotsky distillery and litter of chickens from the Avis agricultural company will give the townspeople an additional 8 million cubic meters of biogas.
It is expected that biogas plants will help rationally utilize industrial waste and improve the ecological state of the city of Khmelnitsky. The city council of Kamyanets-Podilsky intends to receive a grant from the Finland Trust Fund, which amounts to € 300 thousand.The funds will be spent on the development of a feasibility study for the construction of biogas plants processing waste from livestock and crop production. On May 6-7 this year, specialized specialists from Helsinki will inspect the land where biogas stations will be built.
After the tender, three biogas plants will be built in the territory of the city of Kamenetz-Podolsky, which will be able to produce biogas from chicken manure, stillage, silt and plant growing waste.The Finnish-Ukrainian Trust Fund is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. The purpose of the fund is to provide advice and investment for projects in the field of energy efficiency and alternative energy.