Recently, Blue Favorit ducks have become very popular in large poultry farms. Although it was bred only in 1998, this prevalence was the result of a very successful selection. The article will consider the main characteristics of the breed, especially the breeding and care of its representatives.
Description and characteristics of the breed
The breeding of the blue duck (as it is also called) is based on meat breed, which leaves a certain imprint on the appearance of the bird.
Representatives of the described breed are distinguished by a special noble color. You can distinguish them from other ducks by the following criteria:
- the body of the bird is elongated, massive, with a fairly wide chest;
- large head with a flat beak;
- paws are wide apart;
- thick bluish-gray plumage. Variations from dark to light shades of gray, sometimes interspersed with white spots, are possible.
How to distinguish duck blue favorite from drake
Blue ducks are slightly larger, but lighter than drakes and have a very dull color, while in males the plumage is brighter. The drakes also have a small crest and a long beard.
Another sign of how to distinguish a male from a female can be considered rounded feathers at the tip of the tail - females do not have them. Often the drakes make a thin whistling sound.Did you know? TOducking does not create an echo.
At an early age, finding differences between the sexes is sometimes too difficult. In this case, you can observe their behavior. Unlike ducks, males are more conflicting and aggressive. Drakes on the paddock often let ducks go forward and keep a little away from them
Productive qualities
In poultry farming, according to their qualitative characteristics, 4 types of birds are usually distinguished: meat, egg, egg-meat and decorative. The described family is of type 3, as it combines rapid weight gain and good egg production.
Egg production
During the season, one individual is able to lay 100-150 eggs, each weighs up to 100 g. Gourmets note that these eggs are better in taste than other breeds or chicken.
Birds of the Blue Favorite breed gain weight very quickly. So, at the age of 9 months, the duck can weigh from 2 to 3.5 kg, and the spleen with proper nutrition grows to 5 kg.
Meat quality
The meat in birds of this family is softer than, for example, in the Peking duck. It has no specific odor, is juicy and is characterized by a low fat content, rich in mineral elements. The meat of these ducks is considered dietary.
The subtleties of growing
When breeding any poultry, special attention must be paid to proper care and a balanced diet. Only by observing the balance can you get a good gain in weight in a short period of time and reduce the cost of breeding.
Since the Blue Favorite duck belongs to egg-meat breeds, special attention must be paid to the diet of this bird, because thanks to its proper nutrition, you can get good productivity indicators.The described breed of ducks is quite unpretentious in nutrition. A balanced diet of adults consists of 3 meals. In the morning and at lunch, the ducks are given moist food, which includes mixtures of grain crops, vegetables and root vegetables in raw and boiled form, and greens. In the evening, the bird is given whole grain food.
Did you know? In the process of molting, the duck loses its ability to fly with feathers, however, after their restoration, this ability returns.
In winter
In the cold season, the diet of birds consists mainly of cereals, vegetables and vitamin and mineral supplements. Twice during the day, the ducks are given wet food, which consists of bran of cereal crops with the addition of vegetables and root crops, as well as various additives.
Of vegetables, special preference must be given to zucchini, carrots, pumpkin or cabbage. You can also give grated apples - they contain a large amount of glucose, iron and carbohydrates. In addition, pre-cooked potatoes or beets can be added to the mash.
To maintain the vitamin-mineral balance, crushed limestone, chalk and bone meal are also added to the mash. You can not do without yeast, salt and gravel, their content should not exceed 2 g per day per individual. To maintain the immune system, the bird is given fish oil: it helps to strengthen the skeleton and better absorption of calcium.In the cold season, either pre-prepared dried grass or grass meal, which can be mixed with wet feed, can be given as green food.Important! A variety of diets improves the quality of meat and eggs. With excessive feeding, the bird is obese, and with a lack of food, growth is slowed down.
Before going to bed, the ducks are fed with grain (for example, barley, corn, wheat or oats). Corn is well digested, so it should be 50% of the diet. Vitamins E and group B are most valuable in wheat, so it can be given both in whole form and in the form of bran. Since these crops in the form of grain are digested for a long time, therefore they are given at night. Thus, the bird remains full throughout the night, and the energy released during digestion allows it to be warmed at night. Grain ducks are given at the rate of 170-190 g per individual.
In addition, ducks and legumes can be fed. For this, chopped peas are ideal, but their content should not exceed 10% of the total volume of grain crops.
Water for adult ducks is given in large tanks, while changing it several times a day. In winter, it is best to pour warm water, which can warm the bird.Important! Fine flour, moldy bread and fresh milk must be excluded from the diet, as they will do more harm than good. Flour can stick together and thus block the respiratory system. Mold spores can cause aspergillosis, and fresh milk can cause diarrhea.
In summer
In the warm season, the diet has a significant difference - the bird has free access to green food.During this period of the year, ducks can be released on their own to graze on a green lawn or near a reservoir. Such a walk will positively affect bird health, reduce financial costs and simplify care.
However, if it is not possible to graze the bird, then you can give it as an additive to wet food a small amount of duckweed, which can be collected in the nearest standing reservoir. As green food give crushed clover, spurge, field bindweed, young nettle or alfalfa. Up to 1 kg of fresh herbs must be given per adult per day. Ducks will appreciate this delicacy and very quickly begin to gain weight.
As for the rest of the diet, it remains unchanged, and only its volume changes. So, for example, bran needs to be given 1/3 less than in winter, and grains give 10% more.
Care Features
As with the diet, the conditions of keeping the duck Blue Favorite are unpretentious. It can be freely kept in unheated houses. For its maintenance, both an aviary and a corral are ideal. However, when choosing a place, you need to remember that the house should have a good roof, which will protect the bird from snow, rain or hail. The area of the room should be proportional to the number of birds that will be kept in it. And since the favorites are large birds, the place for them should be selected at the rate of 1 square. m per individual.
Insulation of the walls and floor of the house is not required, because these ducks tolerate large temperature extremes. But if you started this breed for the sake of getting eggs, then you should know that ducks rush only at a room temperature of approximately 30 ° C.Another important point in the maintenance of such a bird is the duration of daylight hours - its duration should be at least 16 hours. To do this, large windows are made in the house, which will become a natural source of light. In winter, when the duration of daylight hours is significantly reduced, compared with summer, you can use artificial lighting. Enterprising poultry farmers use automatic lighting systems that customize according to their needs.
The floor in the house is covered with a layer of straw - it is an excellent litter and a kind of perch for the bird. In addition, you need to think about the nests where the ducks will lay eggs, because if you do not organize them, then the birds will organize them themselves and will be carried in the most unpredictable places.
The place for walking the birds should be spacious and have a fence at least 2 meters high. It is also recommended to equip a small reservoir where ducks can swim and swim freely. Such water procedures can improve the quality of feathers and down.
The house needs regular cleaning and disinfection. Daily wash the feeder and drinker. If the litter gets off, then a new layer is poured, however, it is necessary to completely replace it once a week. Hay in the nests is changed if necessary. In the off-season, the house is disinfected.Important! It is not recommended to force the ducks out for a walk. Best to graze birds after 10 in the morning when heand already laid eggs.
Growing ducklings
There are no special differences in the content of ducklings of the Blue Favorite breed from other representatives of these birds. Immediately after they hatch, they are placed in a box or in another small room where the temperature is constantly maintained in the range from 27 to 32 ° C, and their light is on 24 hours a day. Under such conditions, they are kept for the first 7 days of life.The heat exchange of ducklings is impaired, therefore, when it is hot, they breathe heavily, having opened their beak, and are drenched. However, if they are frozen, they try to inform their owners about this. At the same time, they gather in a pile and thus try to warm each other. The most optimal conditions are when the ducklings maintain their activity, move freely around their enclosure and rest separately from each other.
Starting from the 8th day of life, the temperature in the room where the ducklings are kept is gradually reduced to 18 ° C. Also gradually reduce the duration of daylight hours to 16-18 hours. When the ducklings get used to the conditions, they can be released for a walk. In the warm season, this can be done already in the second week of life.
Within 12 hours from the moment they appear, they are fed a grated egg - it can be either duck, chicken or even goose. Further, the diet of young animals mainly contains protein food. The first 3 days the diet consists of boiled eggs, herbs, cottage cheese and bran. Then boiled root vegetables (potatoes, carrots) are gradually introduced, but the egg is removed from the diet.At this stage, you can feed as a self-made feed, and ready-made starts that contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to give food in small portions so that ducks can eat it within 5-10 minutes; After this, the feeder must be washed.
Do not forget about water. In the first days of life, ducklings are given water with a small addition of potassium permanganate. After this, you can give ordinary water, but you should make sure that they do not turn the container with water. From this, they can get wet and catch a cold.Important! When compiling a diet, one must remember that whole grains can be given only after 2 months, and dairy products cease to be given after 1 month of life.
Frequent diseases
For birds, the most dangerous are diseases such as coccidosis, intestinal infections and tuberculosis. Fortunately, the favorite's immune system is quite strong. Adults rarely get sick, but young animals are much more likely to get sick.
For the described breed, the following diseases are most characteristic:
- vitamin deficiency and level disease - arise due to unbalanced nutrition and deficiency of vitamins and minerals in it, respectively;
- omphalitis - A disease in which the umbilical canal becomes inflamed;
- infectious diseases - arise as a result of improper nutrition and preparation of feed.
Breed history
The breed in question was bred at the end of the twentieth century at the Bashkir pedigree factory. Breeders worked on a new species, which was based on the breed of the White Peking duck. As a result of lengthy experiments and selection of the best specimens, the Blue Favorite breed appeared.
Initially, these ducks were considered industrial, but over time, history has made adjustments. Representatives of the Blue Favorite breed fell into large farms, and from there they gradually dispersed in private, and as a result, this duck became a favorite. This is where its name came from, and blue was called for its coloring, which during the year changes from dark to light shades of blue.Did you know? Ducks are ridiculous for their small legs, which are widely spread on both sides of the body. That is why, at each step, the duck rolls from foot to foot.
Duck Blue Favorite is the most optimal breed for the household. It has good productivity in maintenance, and in nutrition is unpretentious.